Hummus, plenty of good brands available at the store, but if you want to make your own it is super simple.  I read once to make a truly creamy hummus you take the time to remove the skins from the garbanzo beans, which I did and I have to say it was super creamy and delicious.  Of course that is not necessary, so if you don't want to spend the time doing that, skip it.  

1 can Garbanzo Beans, drained

1 to 2 cloves Garlic

2 TB Tahini

Olive Oil

Salt to taste

Juice of 1/2 Lemon


Put the beans, garlic, lemon juice, tahini, 1/2 tsp salt and at least 2 TB olive oil into a blender with 2 TB water.  Run until nearly smooth. Taste and add more salt if you want it.  If it needs more water to make it really creamy, add another TB or 2, blend until creamy.  Put into a serving bowl and drizzle on more olive oil and sprinkle with paprika.  Wash and dry lettuce leaves, wash turnips well (you can peel them if you prefer), then slice into about 1/2" disks.  Warm some pita and enjoy.  Try with a little cut Pomelo.
