From Vegetable Literacy by Deborah Madison

It really makes me happy when I open a cookbook and find a recipe that is a great combination of several items in a week's share.  This Kohlarbi Salad is a fine example of just that!

1 lb Kohlrabi

1 cup stemmed Parsley leaves

6 slender Green Onions, tops and bottoms thinly sliced

Mizuna Sprigs, finely sliced to your tasting

Sea Salt

3 TB Olive Oil

4 tsp Lemon Juice or Rice Vinegar

If the kohlrabi is tender, you don't need to peel them.  If they are a bit older take the time to slice off the skins.  Cut the kohlrabi into fine julienne.  A quick and effective way to do this is to slice them thinly on a mandolin, then stack the slices and cut them into matchsticks.  Toss the kohlrabi with the parsley leaves, green onions, mustard leaves and 1/2 teaspoon salt.  Add the oil and lemon juice and toss again.  Taste for salt, then serve.
