Found on Responsible Eating and Living's website

1/2 lb Kale

1 lb Red Cabbage

4 to 5 cloves of Garlic

1 inch fresh Ginger

1 Daikon Radish

2 Shallots

Juice from one large Lemon


Mince shallots and garlic.  Scrape skin off the ginger with the edge of a spoon and mince.  With a knife, scare the exterior skin off the daikon.  Slice into 1/4" or thinner rounds.  Wash the kale.  Rip the leaves away from the stalks.  Roll the leave up into cigar shape cylinder and slice into strips.  Slice the cabbage into thin strips, 1/4 to 1/2".  In a heavy cast iron frying pan or a wok, on medium-high heat, add 1/4 cup of water.  When the water starts to sizzle, add garlic, ginger and shallots.  Stir regularly and cook for 2 or 3 minutes.  If the pan dries out, add a little more water.  There should never be too much water or too little, just enough to coat the bottom of the pan, less than 1/4".  Add the daikon slices and cook until they are soft.  Toss in the red cabbage.  If your pan is not very big it may take a minute or two for the cabbage to shrink before you can stir it and mix it in with the other ingredients.  Add in the kale.  Let it wilt and stir in with other ingredients.  When all the vegetables are soft, turn the heat off and toss in the lemon juice.  Serve immediately.
