Inspired by a recipe in The River Cottage Preserves Handbook by Pam Corbin

9 oz roasted Lunchbox Peppers (the recipe actually calls for tomatoes)

2 oz Serrano Chiles

2 fat cloves Garlic

2 oz Shallots - or use the onion from this weeks share

1 tsp Caraway Seeds

1 tsp Coriander seeds

1/2 tsp Salt

1/4 cup Olive Oil 

Roast the lunchbox peppers on a parchment lined baking sheet in an oven preheated to 450 F for 15 to 20 minutes.  If you choose to use tomatoes instead, cut the core out and drop the tomatoes into a pan of boiling water for 30 seconds, then scoop out and peel off the skins.  Remove the stems from the chiles (and lunchbox peppers if using those).  The seeds contain most of the fruit’s heat and you can decided how much, if any, you want to leave in.  I wear gloves when messing with hot peppers. Make sure you don’t rub your eyes!  Put the skinned tomatoes, or roasted lunchbox peppers, serranos and all the other ingredients except the oil in a food processor and process until well blended.  Pour into a small sauce pan and heat until boiling, then simmer for about 10 minutes until reduced and starting to thicken.  Let cool, then pack into warm, sterilized jars, leaving 3/8 inch gap at the top.  Pour oil over the paste to completely cover it.  Seal the jars.  Store in the fridge and use within 4 months.  If you want to extend the shelf life, pack in small, sealable containers and freeze.  Once opened, keep in fridge, making sure the paste in the jar is completely covered by a layer of oil.
