Sam Sifton NY Times Serves 6 to 8

This calls for 4 to 6 large Heirloom Tomatoes, but I am suggesting that you use your basket of Cherry Tomatoes and cut them in half

1 small Watermelon, cut into 1 1/4” cubes

1 tsp Salt

1/4 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

2 TB Sherry Vinegar

Salt and Freshly ground Black Pepper, to taste

1 cup Feta Cheese, large crumbles

Combine the halved tomatoes and cubed watermelon in a large, nonreactive bowl and toss gently to combine.  Add salt and let stand 5 to 10 minutes while you prepare the dressing.  Whisk together the oil and vinegar and season with salt and pepper to taste.  Add the cheese to the tomatoes and watermelon, then the dressing, and toss gently to combine.
