My beloved wife Lorraine deposited a nice load of manure from the horse and cows yesterday. The recipient is my banana plant. It's growth this year can only be described as rampant. It was planted just over a year ago. I bought it at Lowes on a whim as I am wont to do on occasions. The label said it could handle our Mediterranean climate. I am concerned about winds and cold winds at that, so Eric and Andrew planted it in the protection of the farmhouse. 

I have been searching for info on growing the beautiful plants. There is the 'alotta rule' meaning the plant needs a lot of water, fertility, water and sunshine. Pruning is fun and constant. The plant needs a large main stem, a medium stem, and a small stem. These are referred to as grandmother, mother and child. All other stems are removed and composted or propagated. 

I have another variety that allegedly is even more cold tolerant which I hope to plant this week. Fun. 
