Eatwell Farm

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Nigel’s Pizza Dough

Adapted from Bobby Flay’s recipe


2 cups Eatwell Farm Heirloom Flour

1 1/2 cups of All-Purpose Flour

1 1/2 cups of Milk

2 TB Olive Oil

1 tsp Salt

2 tsp Yeast


Heat 1/2 cup of milk to 110 F and add the yeast, with a pinch of sugar.  Let sit and activate about 10 minutes.  Mix both flours and salt, mix gently in a stand mixer using the dough hook.  With your machine on low add the milk, oil and yeasted milk and mix for about 10 minutes.  If it is really sticky add a bit more all purpose flour.  Put in an oiled bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let sit in a warm, draft free spot and allow to rise to double size.  This is enough for two pizzas.  So cut in half, roll out and top.  You can save the other half recipe, wrapped well, in the freezer.