Adapted from a recipe in Saveur May 2015

The original recipe calls for Borlotti Beans, but I made this last weekend using our Favas and it was really delicious.

1 bunch Swiss Chard, if you have Dino Kale instead that would work well also
Favas, shelled
1/4 cup Olive Oil
1 tsp Red Chile Flakes
6 cloves of Garlic, roughly chopped
1 small Onion, cut into 1/4” pieces
3 Carrots, cut into 1/4” pieces
1 cup Eatwell Farm Chicken Stock
Salt and Pepper

Boil favas until they are soft enough to get them out of their skins.  Chill in ice water so you can handle them. Once the skins are off, set them aside.  Fill a sauce pan with salted water; boil.  Cook the chard until wilted and stems are tender 4-6 minutes; drain and transfer chard to an ice bath until chilled, and then drain and squeeze dry.  Add 2 TB olive oil and the chile flakes to the sauce pan; heat over medium.  Cook garlic, carrots and onion until golden, 8 to 10 minutes.  Add the fava beans, chard, chicken stock, salt and pepper; simmer until stock is slightly reduced, 6 to 8 minutes.  Transfer to a serving dish; drizzle with remaining oil.
