Eatwell Farm

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Lorraine's Favorite Days

Bay Leaf Kitchen campers relax by the campfire after a day of farm fun.

After so many years showing people the farm and explaining what we do, I have to say that kids get it. So when Bay Leaf Kitchen asked if they could bring a bus load of kids to camp on the farm we said yes. The kids arrive on a green turtle bus and set up camp. The last couple of times Lorraine has given them a walking and grazing tour of the farm. She also does a baking class with our flour making rolls for their dinner. There’s a guest chef cooking with produce from the farm and all topped off with a talent show, fire and s'mores. Please bring along your kids and any waif and strays you find in your neighborhood. We need them; they are our future members.
Now we need to convince our insurance company that having lots of visitors is a great thing. They recently increased our policy from $500 per month to $1,000 even though we have never had a claim.