Joyce sells bunches of fresh lavender to Ferry Plaza Farmer's Market customers on Saturday.
We sell fresh lavender bunches as well as dry lots for sale in months other than June. Lorraine makes her Softers using the water produced during distillation. Early Monday morning Jose and the guys pick two large bins full. I drove them to our long time fried Wally at SonomAroma. He distills it for us providing essential oil and water (hydrosol). The Hydrosol is used in cosmetics as an ingredient. Ours is certified organically grown and distilled. This batch was ordered by a wholesaler who makes products for other farms and vineyards to sell in their stores and with retailers.
Eatwell Farm foreman, Jose, dumps freshly cut lavender stems into a bin to be transported to SonomAroma for distillation.
The process after cutting involves putting the flower stems into stainless steel tanks into which steam is injected. The oil laden resulting steam is cooled in a Liebig condenser (were you paying attention at school). The cooled oil and water separate out, and the oil is drawn off leaving us two great products. You can order both with your box. I swear that ten drops of oil into my boys bath every night made going to bed much easier. Not needed now as they are 18 and going to college :)