Lulu’s Provencal Table

1/2 cup Olive Oil
1 lb Sweet Onions, finely sliced
3 Eatwell Farm Eggs
1 lb Courgette, cut into 1/3” dice
2 TB finely chopped Parsley
2 Garlic Cloves, finely chopped

After chopping the parsley and garlic separately, put them together and chop again to very fine.
In a heavy saucepan, warm 2 TB of olive oil, add the onions and salt, and sweat, covered, over very low heat for about 30 minutes, or until melting  but uncolored.  Break the eggs into a mixing bowl; season with salt and pepper.  In a large heavy frying pan, heat 3 TB olive oil and sauté the courgette, salted, over high heat, tossing often, for 5 minutes, or until lightly colored.  Add the parsley and garlic and sauté for less than a minute, or until the characteristic garlic-parsley scent fills the kitchen.  Add the softened onions and toss a couple of times again.  Whisk the eggs briefly with a fork and add the courgette mixture, stirring briskly.  In a clean, large heavy frying pan, heat 2 TB olive oil over high heat, rotate the pan to coat the sides with oil,  pour in the egg mixture, and stir rapidly with a fork, tines pointed up, in a circular, swirling motion, taking care not to touch the bottom or sides of the pan with the fork (this can cause and omelet to stick).  Lower the heat and cover the pan for a minute, or until the omelet has noticeably thickened but remains moist on the surface.  Shake the pan to make certain the omelet slides freely.  Hold a flat lid firmly over the pan, invert pan and lid together, return the pan to high heat, add 1 TB of olive oil and slip the omelet back into the pan, cooked surface up.  A few seconds later, shake the pan, making certain that the omelet slides freely and slip it from the pan to a platter.

