Eatwell Farm

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Always a thrill

It still amazes and thrills me when seeds that we sow in the field germinate. I have been a horticulturalist for 33 years now and the joy of growing things never ceases.  

This morning I was able to walk out to the old office trailer where Agustin has set up the incubators and hatchery. This week was the first time we hatched ducklings. These are pure bred khaki Campbell's. We have only seven today.  

I will order plastic trays for the incubators that can hold goose eggs today. Our chicken trays are too small. We want more geese as they will live in the orchard keeping the grass under control. This will save us valuable time weed whacking and fuel. 

Whether it is a seed germinating or an egg hatching a chick it is a wonderful joy to see.  


Khaki Campbell day old duckling at Eatwell farm