Eatwell Farm

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Grandma’s Ribs

Eatwell Farmhouse Kitchen

Last night I pulled out a small pack of ribs from our friends Anne and George.  Soon I will share their information because, if you enjoy pork nearly as much as I do, you really have to eat theirs.  It is so flavorful, and their pigs are so well cared for, loved and fed.  In any case I put the ribs in a skillet with a pint jar of Nigel’s tomato sauce, and some Eatwell Farm Rosemary salt, not really knowing where I was going with this.  I put on the lid, turned the temp to low and sat down for a while.  When I went back to check on my mystery dinner the smell triggered a childhood memory, my grandma’s ribs.  So quickly improvising I did a rendition of her old recipe.  We always made these ribs in the oven, but I started out on the stove top and kept it there.  Doing it this way made it easy for me to put the greens right on top of the cooking meat.  I love not having to dirty any more dishes than absolutely necessary.  I used mustard greens because that was what I grabbed, but kale or arugula would be fantastic here.

2-3 lbs Pork Ribs
1 Lemon, sliced
2 Eatwell Onions, sliced
1 or 2 stalks Spring Garlic
1 cup Water
1 pint Tomato Sauce
2 tsp Chili Powder
Pinch of Cayenne Pepper
2 tsp Eatwell Farm Smoked Chili Salt
Freshly ground Black Pepper
Several shakes of Tobasco if you like that

Mix together tomato sauce, spices, salt, water and tobasco, pour half into the skillet.  Put in the ribs then top with the sliced onions and garlic and pour over the remaining sauce.  Cook on low for 45 minutes, check the tenderness of the meat and flip it over.  Add the lemon slices and cook another 30 minutes or until meat is completely cooked through and really tender.  You may have to adjust your temp.  15 minutes into your final 30, top the meat with your washed greens, cover and finish cooking.   The greens should be done by the time the meat is ready.  Serve with cooked Eatwell Farm Heirloom Wheat Berries or rice.