Eatwell Farm

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This Week's Box: February 10th - 14th


  1. In the box - and how to store it

  2. This week's Recipes

  3. Shopping List

1. In the box (in order of what to eat first):

Arugula - Wash and dry well. Wrap with a damp paper towel and store in a glass container in the fridge. Lasts up to 5 days.

Lettuce - Keep damp in an airtight container in the fridge. Keeps for one week.

Spinach - Store loose in an open container in the crisper, cool as soon as possible. Spinach loves to stay cold.

Stir Fry Mix - Most greens must be kept in an air‐tight container with a damp cloth to keep them from drying out. You can also leave them in the bag. Do not wash until ready to use.

Bok Choy: This crunchy and tasty bok choy is amazing sautéed and adds a little something special to a soup or stir-fry. Store in a plastic bag in fridge up to one week. Don’t forget to use the ribs!

Fennel - If used within a couple days after it's bought, fennel can be left out on the counter, upright in a cup or bowl of water (like celery). If wanting to keep longer than a few days, place in the fridge in a closed container with a little water. 

Romanesco - Will last up to one week in a closed contianer in the fridge, but has better flavor is consumed earlier. Cut florets away from the core and soak in warm soapy water or salt water for 10 minutes to wash away any aphids. Florets can also be lightly boiled in salt water for a couple of minutes for this purpose. Rinse before preparing.

Green Garlic - Store in your crisper. Best used within a week but may last a little longer.

Cabbage - Left out on a cool counter is fine up to a week, in the crisper otherwise. Peel off outer leaves before cooking.

Tokyo Turnips - Remove the greens (store separately) same as radishes and beets, store them in an open container with a moist cloth. Lasts up to a week.

Pomelo - Leave out on the counter until ripe. Then enjoy!

Lemons (Twin Girls) - These lemons may have a sticker on them as they are sold in markets and stores in the area. Sometimes our order is placed after they're individually labeled. They're organically grown in Fresno, CA by Twin Girls Farm.  Leave at room temperature until you're ready to eat them.

Onions - Store in a cool dry place out of the light.


2. This Week's Recipes (Links):

Fennel with Capers and Olives

Creamy Turnip Soup

3. Shopping list for all recipes (assumes you have basic salt and pepper):

Shopping List for Fennel with Capers and Olives:
About 3 TB Olive Oil, plus extra to finish
15 large Cloves Garlic, skin on 2 1/2 oz)
1/4 cup Verjuis or a mixture of 1/4 Lemon Juice and 2 TB Red Wine Vinegar
1 small Tomato, cut into 1/2” dice about 1/3 cup
About 1 cup Vegetable Stock
2 1/2 TB Capers
3 1/2 TB black wrinkly Olives, pitted and cut in half
1 TB chopped thyme Leaves OR use Eatwell Farm Thyme Salt
2 1/2 tsp Superfine Sugar
6 1/2 TB Ricotta (optional)

Shopping List for Creamy Turnip Soup:
2 to 3  TB Butter
2 cups Eatwell Farm Chicken Stock or good Vegetable Stock
2 cups Milk

Shopping List for All Recipes:

About 3 TB Olive Oil, plus extra to finish
15 large Cloves Garlic, skin on 2 1/2 oz)
1/4 cup Verjuis or a mixture of 1/4 Lemon Juice and 2 TB Red Wine Vinegar
1 small Tomato, cut into 1/2” dice about 1/3 cup
About 1 cup Vegetable Stock
2 1/2 TB Capers
3 1/2 TB black wrinkly Olives, pitted and cut in half
1 TB chopped thyme Leaves OR use Eatwell Farm Thyme Salt
2 1/2 tsp Superfine Sugar
6 1/2 TB Ricotta (optional)

2 to 3  TB Butter
2 cups Eatwell Farm Chicken Stock or good Vegetable Stock
2 cups Milk