Eatwell Farm

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Winter Soup with a bit of Beef

Eatwell Farmhouse Kitchen

I made this soup last night, thinking I had rice noodles in the house, which I didn’t.  But even without the noodles, it was extremely quick to make, delicious, and warming.  I would suggest pouring it over rice noodles:)

1/4 to 1/2 lb thinly sliced Beef 

1 TB Toasted Sesame Oil

2 TB Soy Sauce

2 TB Fish Sauce

1 TB Mirin

1/4 tsp Red Pepper Flakes

1/3 to 1/2 Butternut Squash, peeled and cut into little matchstick sized pieces

1 bunch Green Kale or Collards OR a bit of both, stems removed, leaves chopped

2 stalks of Celery, diced rather small,  more if you like

1 Green Onion, white and greens chopped fairly small

3 cups Eatwell Farm Chicken Stock

Heat the oil in a skillet or griddle pan over medium high heat.  Add the sliced beef and cook very fast for about 2 to 3 minutes, tossing the meat about so it cooks on both sides.  Remove meat from the pan then add the soy sauce, fish sauce and 1 cup of the chicken stock.  Deglaze the pan, add more stock if you need to.  Then pour it all into your soup pot.  Add the rest of the stock and the butternut squash, celery and red pepper flakes.  Simmer for about 10 minutes, then add the chopped kale and mirin.  Simmer until kale is tender.  If you use rice noodles put some into soup bowls, ladle on some of the broth, and top with the cooked beef and green onion.