Eatwell Farm

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Big Spinach Salad

1 bag of Spinach, washed well bottom tips removed

1 or 2 Oranges, peeled and chunked

A bit of very thinly sliced Fennel, save frond

Parsley, Green Onion and Fennel Frond herb mix

Fresh ground Black Pepper

Grated Parmesan

Balsamic Vinaigrette or your own favorite Salad Dressing

Take at least 2 TB each chopped parsley, green onion and fennel fronds, mix them well and chop a bit more.  Put the washed spinach in a mixing bowl (I leave the spinach leaves whole), dress with some of the vinaigrette and toss well to coat the leaves.  You don’t want to add too much dressing at this point. Grind on some black pepper, mix again. Taste it and add a bit more dressing or pepper if you like.  Put the dressed spinach into a serving bowl and top with orange chunks, sliced fennel, sprinkle on the chopped herb mix and grated parmesan cheese.  Serve.