A Note From Lorraine
Hard to believe it is the week of Christmas and the last week of Farm Shares for 2015! Reflecting back on this year I would have to say it has not been an easy one for us. Living with cancer in your home is a struggle through the best of it, and the worst of it, well that goes without saying. Your support has been so uplifting and it plays an important role in keeping Nigel and I sane. We both still believe very strongly that having nourishing fresh food is key to improving strength and speeding recovery. We continue our commitment to the Care Share Program, CSA shares for those suffering with serious illnesses like cancer, for free. I am happy to say that we have actually had recipients who have come through their treatments and became CSA members. If you know of anyone who could benefit from a Care Share, or if you are interested in supporting this program by making a donation, please be in touch with Connie in the office. You can reach her via email at organic@eatwell.com or by phone 707-999-1150.
A Good Bye and Good Luck to Emily. As you all know, Emily and her family are leaving California next month, eventually moving on to a wonderful life in Italy. When we posted the position on our website for a CSA manager, I can honestly say Emily was everything I had hoped for and more! Always excited to learn something new, take on a project, and help out with extra little things when I was overwhelmed. She has gone with me to speaking engagements and is always representing the farm with such enthusiasm. Emily took on the huge project of organizing and managing all of our Farm Events. Her husband Christopher, very graciously, helped out at all of the events. Usually the day before, by lugging the heavy stuff and getting everything in place. There really is so much I could say here, but the most important is this - We will miss Emily! Lots of love to you, Emily, Christopher, and Evie!