Eatwell Farm

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Sweet Potato Pie

Pie Filling Recipe Eatwell Farmhouse Kitchens

Tart Crust Recipe Adapted from Julia Childs 

Tart Dough 

1 cup Eatwell Farm Heirloom Wheat Flour

1/2 cup White Flour

20 gm Sugar (1 TB + 1 tsp)

1/4 tsp Salt

8 TB Butter (1 stick), chopped and chilled

3 TB Water

1 TB Lemon Juice

Put the flour, sugar and salt into the processor and pulse once or twice just to mix.  Add chilled chopped butter and pulse until the mixture resembles coarse meal.  Add the water and lemon juice and pulse until well mixed.  Put out on a lightly floured surface and press the dough firmly into a roughly shaped ball.With the heel of one hand, not the palm, rapidly press the pastry by down on the board away from you in a firm, quick smear of about 6 inches.  This is the final blending.  With a scraper or spatula, gather the dough again into a mass; knead it briefly into a fairly smooth round ball.  Sprinkle it lightly with flour and wrap it tightly.  Refrigerate for at least one hour.

Sweet Potato Pie Filling

1 1/2 lbs Sweet Potato

1/2 cup Butter, softened

1/3 cup brown Sugar

2 TB Molasses

1/2 cup Buttermilk

3Eatwell Farm Eggs

1/2 tsp Salt

1 tsp each: ground Nutmeg and Cinnamon

2 tsp Vanilla Extract

Bake the sweet potato whole, in the skin, until done.  When cool enough to handle, remove the skin and break apart.  Add to the bowl of a food processor along with butter and pulse until somewhat smooth.  Next add all of the remaining ingredients.  Blend until very smooth.  Pour filling into the unbaked pie crust and bake in an oven preheated to 350 F, for 55 minutes.  Check the center by inserting a knife, if it comes out clean it is ready, if not bake a few more minutes and check again.