Eatwell Farm

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Update on Eatwell Farm Meat Birds

I have been cooking a lot of our meat birds.  They are quite different from the over hybridized chickens you buy in the store.  What we have learned so far is it is important to process them sooner than later. They have incredibly long legs and long breast bones, and the breast meat is not short and plump like we are used to.  The most important thing I have learned is the Eatwell Farm Chicken has FANTASTIC flavor; the meat is incredible, and the leftover bones make the craziest stock I have ever seen!  Last night I tried to roast one, my earlier attempts with slightly larger/older Eatwell chicken did not turn out so great.  Roast chicken is one of my all time favorite dinners, so I am determined to figure out how to make a truly delicious roast chicken with one of our pastured birds. I would have to say I had great success last night, roasting on a rack, pre-rubbed with butter and good sprinkling of Eatwell Farm Rosemary Salt, temp set at 325 F for 1 3/4 hours.  Remove from the oven, tent for 10 to 15 minutes, then enjoy!  We need to find a reliable way to get chickens to you with your CSA shares, but until then, they are available at the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market on Saturdays.  Might be good to call either Emily on the office line at 707-999-1150 or myself at 530-554-3971 to make sure we have chickens available for the Saturday you are planning to come down.