Liz Hafalia, SF Chronicle January 3, 2015 - Serves 4

I love it when I am perusing recipes in magazines or newspapers and find a great one for the newsletter and then posted next to it I find yet another.  I realize this recipe is made with Clementines, but I am suggesting you use the mandarins or tangelos in this week’s share.
Broiling slices of clementines brings out both the sweetness of the fruit and bitterness of the peel in a most pleasing way, especially when paired with the peppery kick of mizuna or arugula leaves.  Most of the slices are chopped and worked into the dressing, but some are left whole to use as a garnish.  The dressing is rather thick, so serve the salad immediately after tossing it or it will wilt.
5 Clementines - or use the mandarins or tangelos in this week’s share
3 TB Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/4 tsp fine Sea Salt
5 cups Peppery or Strongly flavored greens like Mizuna, Arugula or hearty chopped Kale
Preheat broiler.  Cut 1  clementine in half and juice it.  Discard the shell and reserve the juice.  Cut off and discard the ends of the remaining 4 clementines, then thinly slice them, remove seeds, if necessary.  Lay the slices on a baking sheet and broil until just browned on the edges, turn slices over and broil to brown on the other side.  Timing will vary with the power of your broiler.  Watch carefully so they don’t burn.  Let cool.  Set aside 5 to 6 of the prettiest slices for garnish.  Finely chop the remaining slices and put them in a large salad bowl.  Add the oil, reserved clementine juice and salt.  Stir to combine.  Add the greens, toss gently just to coat and serve immediately, topped with reserved clementine slices. 
