Ramon and Josesito were caught on camera Tuesday morning just after dawn cultivating and irrigating more beds for the fall crops. Ramon was rolling beds that he had cultivated on Monday. Josesito then irrigates them a little and Ramon will come back on Wednesday to cultivate them again before he prepares the beds prior to planting. These beds were occupied by the chickens until last Saturday. They were moved over to the next acre of summer pasture. That pasture had been grazed by the sheep until last Thursday. We are getting into a good groove here, and I like it very much. Jeremy who manages his sheep on the farm is understanding how our system works and it is a delight to see him fit his sheep in so nicely.
In a recent interview for Permaculture Voices podcast, I said that my greatest achievement was the training of the farm crew. They really understand what we do here as exhibited by their work and the independence with which they work. It is a joy to see. Their skill and dedication is what brings you your box of amazing produce every week.
