Eatwell Farm

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Shopska Salad

Cameron’s Recipe
When we went to visit Cam in Bulgaria during his time in the Peace Corps, Shopska Salad was a part of almost every meal. We never tired of it and when we came home made it all summer long. As soon as the tomatoes were available here this year I brought home cucumbers to get the Shopska Season rolling! I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

Cherry Tomatoes, chopped to bite size
Cucumber, chopped to bite sized pieces
The amount of tomato and cucumber should be 1 to 1
2 TB finely minced White Onion
1 clove Garlic, very finely minced
Feta, use as much as you like
2 TB Olive Oil
1 TB Vinegar, use a lighter flavored vinegar
Salt and Pepper to taste

Put the tomatoes, cucumber, onion and garlic in a bowl. Dribble on the oil and vinegar, salt and pepper to taste, mix, then add the feta and mix again. We use very mild flavored Bulgarian Feta or our homemade Ricotta which I drain well.