Eatwell Farm

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Cabbage Tomato Soup

Eatwell Farmhouse Kitchen

2 to 3 TB Vegetable Oil of choice

1 Onion, chopped

1 clove Garlic, minced

4 cups (packed) chopped Cabbage

1 Ancho Chile Peppers, seeded and chopped add more if you want more chile flavor

1 1/2 lbs (minimum) chopped Tomatoes, I used the Red Slicers

2 - 3 tsp fresh Thyme or Winter Savory

2 tsp Salt

Freshly ground Pepper to taste

1 Qt Eatwell Farm Chicken Stock, or good Vegetable Stock


In a medium sized pot heat the oil, then add the onion. Cook onion until glass and add

the garlic then the cabbage and ancho pepper. Stir often and cook until the cabbage

becomes a little tender, then add the chopped tomatoes. Cook long enough to release

the juices from the tomatoes. Add salt and chicken stock, and cook on a low simmer until
