Eatwell Farm

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Red Berry Peach Pie

Found at June 6 2014
3 cups peaches, peeled, pitted and sliced
2 cups Strawberries - hulled and sliced
1 cup raspberries
2 TB Potato Starch
3 Sage leaves - chiffonade (leaves rolled tight and cut to make thin strips)
1 Lemon - juiced
1/2 cup Sugar
1 TB Butter - diced
2 rounds of prepared pie crust - she has a recipe for a Sage Freckled Pie Crust
2 TB Sugar
2 TB Flour
3 TB Milk
Sugar for sprinkling

In a large bowl combine all the fruit, potato starch, sugar, lemon juice and sage leaves.  Stir until combined.  Cover and let sit at room temp for at least a half hour to an hour.  You want the fruits and sugars to hang out and release all its sweet juices.  While you let your filling sweat, prepare your bottom crust.  Lightly sprinkle a clean counter or cutting board with flour and roll out your dough.  Make sure to turn it 15 degrees after every rolling pin push.  This helps ensure an even circle.  Preheat oven to 400 F.  Butter your pie dish.  She recommends using a clear pyrex pan so you can check the bottom of the crust to see if it is slightly browned and ready without guessing.  Lay out your rolled dough over your buttered pie pan and gently use your fingers to form it to the pan.  Sprinkle the bottom with equal parts sugar and flour and stick it back into the freezer.  Get your sweet juicy berry filling and strain out the juice into a small heavy bottom pot.  Over medium heat, whisk the liquid constantly until it thickens (right before the boiling point).  Quickly remove it from the heat and let cool for 5 minutes.  Meanwhile, prep your top crust if using and chill until ready to use.  Once the thickened syrup is cooled, combine the syrup back the fruits and pour into the sugar and flour sprinkled bottom crust.  Dot the top of the pie with your diced butter and top with your crust.  She recommends doing a lattice top.  Brush the crust with milk and sprinkle with sugar.  Then place it in the freezer for another 5-10 minutes.  Once chilled, place the pie on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper in case of spills.  Bake the pie on the bottom rack of the oven for 20 minutes.  After the crust has set, move the pie to the middle rack for the remaining 40 minutes.  During the last 20 minutes, check on the pie’s top crust. If it’s browning too quickly, line the edges or entire top with foil.  The pie is done when the filling is bubbly and the crust (on the bottom and the top) are golden brown.  Resist the urge to dig in and let the pie cool for at least 2 hours before serving.  Top with ice cream or whipped cream.