I have started to mill the wheat harvest from this year. It does take time as the mill can only run at about 40 lb per hour. It is a stone mill from Meadows Mills in North Carolina. It is simple and very sturdy. I add wheat to the hopper where it is then fed between the mill stones. One stone is moving while the other is adjusted with wheat between the stones. There is a sweet spot with wheat holding the stones apart, spinning and milling beautiful, fine flour. The other side of the sweet spot is where the stones touch, through the breaker and stop. You have to listen, feel the flour and make very small adjustments. I like this kind of work where the skill of the operator is essential.
I have three more varieties from Italy that were grown this year and will be released later.
Lorraine whipped up these delicious buns in about 35 minutes, using a mixture of Eatwell Farm's Heirloom Sonora Wheat Flour and unbleached all-purpose flour. Recipe to follow!