Walking the farm this morning I was very excited to see our first eggplant.  Now I know many people really dislike this vegetable, but it has always been one of my favorites.  I love eggplant just breaded and fried with a little good dipping sauce, or roasted in the oven with tomatoes and peppers then served room temp, or in Thai food, or, or, or, and I can go on!  So tonight’s dinner literally was inspired by what we found ready to eat.  

1-2 Onions, chopped

3 + TB Olive Oil

1 lb Chicken meat, sliced

2 TB chopped Rosemary

1 - 2 cloves Garlic

1/2 cup Basil, chopped

4 -6 Roma Tomatoes, quartered lengthwise, then halved

1/2 cup White Wine

1 Eggplant, cubed

2 cups Eatwell Chicken Stock

1 tsp Lemon Salt

Freshly ground Black Pepper


In a large skillet heat the 2 TB olive oil over medium high heat.  Add the onions, when they turn glassy add the rosemary.  Give it a minute or so, stirring, then add the garlic  and enjoy the amazing aroma! Seriously, it smells divine!  Then add the chicken and more olive oil if you need it.  When the chicken is mostly cooked, deglaze your pan with the white wine.  Throw in the tomatoes and stir well.  Once the tomatoes begin to soften add the eggplant, cover and cook on medium about 7 minutes.  Stir a couple of times, then add the Eatwell Chicken Stock.  Cover and cook 10 more minutes. Remove cover and cook down to desired thickness.  Top with fresh basil and serve over rice or pasta!
