By Martha Rose Shulman from
2 tsp Active Dry Yeast
1/2 cup Lukewarm Water*
1/4 tsp Sugar
1 large Eatwell Farm Egg, at room temperature, beaten
1 1/2 cups Eatwell Farm Heirloom Flour**
1/2 cup Unbleached Flour (more as needed)
3/4 tsp Salt

*I now use milk instead of water in my yeasted doughs and skip the addition of sugar as there is plenty of sugar in the milk to feed the yeast, and I am always looking for any excuse to use up some of our abundance of fresh raw milk! 

**The original recipes calls for 1 cup each whole wheat and unbleached, but I increase it since our whole wheat flour is much lighter than store bought and tastes so much better, not to mention the nutritional benefits of freshly milled flour.

Dissolve the yeast in the water, add the sugar, and allow to sit until the mixture is creamy, about five minutes.  Beat in the egg and the olive oil.  Combine the flours and salt, and stir into the yeast mixture.  You can use a bowl and wooden spoon for this, or a mixer - combine the ingredients using the paddle.  Work the dough until it comes together in a coherent mass, adding flour as necessary.  Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and knead gently for a few minutes, adding flour as necessary, just until the dough is smooth - do not overwork it.  Shape into a ball. Place in a lightly oiled bowl, cover the dough tightly with plastic wrap, and allow to rise in a draft -free spot until doubled in size, about one hour.  Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface, gently knead a couple of times, and cut into two equal pieces.  Shape each piece into a ball without kneading it.  Cover the dough loosely with plastic wrap, let rest for 5 minutes.  Roll into thin mounds and line pans.  If not using right away, freeze the dough to prevent it from rising and becoming too  bready.  The dough can be transferred directly from the freezer to the oven.  You can also make the dough a day ahead and refrigerate.  Once rolled out, the dough will keep for a month in the freezer if it’s well wrapped.
