
  1. In the box - and how to store it
  2. This week's Recipes
  3. Shopping List

1. In the box (in order of what to eat first):

Dill - Dill wilts quickly. You may store it standing upright in a glass of water for up to two days, or you can hang it to dry. Freezing dill is also an option to make it last longer.

Parsley - Place in a glass with an inch of water in the fridge. Change water often. Can also be stored in a closed container in the fridge. Lasts up to one week.

Romanesco - Will last up to one week in a closed contiiner in the fridge, but has better flavor is consumed earlier.

Celery - Store in your crisper. Lasts about one week. 

Radishes - Remove the greens (store separately) so they don't draw out excess moisture from the roots. Place them in an open container in the fridge with a wet towel placed on top. Lasts up to one week. 

Cabbage - Left out on a cool counter is fine up to a week, in the crisper otherwise. Peel off outer leaves before cooking.

Broccoli - Place in an open container in the fridge or wrap in a damp towel before placing in the fridge. Lasts 1-2 weeks. 

Leeks - These large alliums are rather mild in flavor and simply melt to perfection when sautéed. Use in soups, stir-fries, or in place of onions in other dishes for a delicious and more subtle flavor. Save the dark green tops for making vegetable stock! Leave in an open container in the crisper wrapped in a damp cloth or in a shallow cup of water on the counter (just so the very bottom of the stem has water). 

Mandarins and Oranges: Leave out on the counter until ripe. Then eat 'em!

Sweet Potatoes - Store in a cool, dark, well‐ventilated place. Never refrigerate‐‐sweet potatoes don't like the cold. Lasts up to 3 weeks if stored properly. 


2. This Week's Recipes (Links):

Chicken and Dill Dumplings

Sweet Potato Pancakes

Leek and Spinach Quiche

3. Shopping list for all recipes (assumes you have basic salt and pepper):

Shopping List for Chicken and Dill Dumplings:

1 1/2 TB unsalted Butter
1 small Onion, chopped
1 1/2 TB all-purpose Flour
1 1/4 cups Eatwell Farm Chicken Stock
1 cup Heavy Cream
1 cup all-purpose Flour, sifted
1/2 tsp Baking Powder
1/8 tsp Baking Soda
1/2 tsp Salt
1 1/2 TB unsalted Butter, melted
1/3 cup Buttermilk or I used Yogurt
3/4 cup Eatwell Farm Chicken stock

Shopping List for Sweet Potato Pancakes:

4 beaten Eatwell Farm Eggs
1/3 cup Flour
1 tsp Salt
Juice of 1/2 Lemon
1 cup grated Carrot
1 cup grated White Potato
2 TB grated Onion
Dash of Nutmeg
Optional: 1 small clove Garlic, crushed

Shopping List for Leek and Spinach Quiche:

2 medium Onions, peeled and diced
1 TB Olive Oil
2 large Eatwell Farm Eggs
1 cup Cream (more may be needed)
1 cup grated Gruyere Cheese
Pinch of Nutmeg

Shopping List for All Recipes:

1 1/2 TB unsalted Butter

1 small Onion, chopped

1 1/2 TB all-purpose Flour

1 1/4 cups Eatwell Farm Chicken Stock

2 cups (maybe a little more) Heavy Cream

1  1/3 cup all-purpose Flour, sifted

1/2 tsp Baking Powder

1/8 tsp Baking Soda

1/2 tsp Salt

1 1/2 TB unsalted Butter, melted

1/3 cup Buttermilk or I used Yogurt

3/4 cup Eatwell Farm Chicken stock

6 Eatwell Farm Eggs

Juice of 1/2 Lemon

1 cup grated Carrot

1 cup grated White Potato

2 TB grated Onion

A couple pinches of Nutmeg

Optional: 1 small clove Garlic, crushed

2 medium Onions, peeled and diced

1 TB Olive Oil

1 cup grated Gruyere Cheese


