Eatwell Farm

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Mish Mash

Eatwell Farmhouse Kitchen Serves a Hungry Family

Essentially meatloaf in a lasagne dish topped with creamed cauliflower.  You can use your own recipe for meatloaf or follow the one I have listed below.

Meatloaf Ingredients
2 lb. ground Beef
2 medium Yellow Onions, finely diced
2 cloves Garlic, minced
1/2 bunch parsley
2 Eatwell Farm Eggs, slightly beaten
1 tsp Salt
Pepper to taste
1/2 tsp freshly grated Nutmeg
1 tsp Paprika
1/2 cup Bread Crumbs

Creamed Cauliflower Ingredients
1 large Cauliflower, broken into florets - You don’t need to cut it up into small pieces because you will mash it a bit once it is all cooked
8 TB Butter
1/2 cup Flour
1/2 cup of half and half
1.5 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp freshly grated Nutmeg
1/2 cup Yogurt or buttermilk or the juice of 1/2 to 1 lemon

Preheat oven to 375 F.  Put a large pot of salted water on to boil, add the cauliflower. Simmer the cauliflower for 15 minutes or until tender.  Mix the ground beef with the onions, garlic, eggs, salt and pepper, parsley, nutmeg, paprika and bread crumbs.  Spread out in a lasagne dish (9x14ish) and pop into the oven to bake for 10 minutes.  While the meat is in the oven make the sauce.  Heat a heavy bottom sauce pan over medium high heat to melt the butter until it is foamy.  Turn the heat down to medium-low and add the flour.  Mix well with a whisk and cook until the color turns just golden.  Off heat, add the half and half (it helps if you heat it a bit ahead of time) and whisk.  I take a rubber spatula and scrape around the bottom edge to make sure all of the roux gets incorporated into the sauce.  With the heat back on medium, add by half cup increments the cauliflower cooking water, mixing well in between each addition up to about 3 cups.  Your sauce should be very smooth and creamy.  Add the yogurt or lemon juice, salt and nutmeg, and taste for flavor preference and adjust if needed.  Drain the cooked cauliflower and combine with the sauce, mashing it up; I use a potato masher.  It doesn’t have to be very small, but at least nice small bite sized pieces.  Pour on top of the partially cooked meatloaf and bake another 30 minutes until bubbly and the corners are turning golden.  We served this with mashed potatoes using some sweet potato and some yukon.