I walked around the farm with Jose this morning, and we have lots more to do ahead of the rain. Roberto is preparing beds for sowing more vegetable seeds later this afternoon and evening. Ramon and Miguel are cultivating between the existing vegetables removing any remaining weeds. Once he is done, he will be helping Roberto.
We have 2.5 acres of wheat to plant which we will also sow with our low growing cover crop mix. After the wheat is harvested in June, the chickens will eat the cover crop and fertilize the ground.
The holidays are almost upon us so I wanted to remind everyone we have amazing gifts from the farm. These are special and help us afford the changes and improvements here. There are simple gifts such as the lavender sachets, salts, sugar scrubs, right up to gift subscriptions. If you are not going to be here for your Thanksgiving harvest share you can donate it when you put it on hold.
