There some serious pumpkins in the field this year. I made careful note last year which ones members liked and planted more of those. Thank you all for coming out on such a windy day. That was our very own Mistral. The air is drawn down the valley by the hot air rising in the Mohave desert.
The variety everyone in the picture is holding is a ‘freedom pumpkin', Rouge Vif De Temps. It is big and delicious. There were chicks to visit with, our last bought in chicks, we hope, as from now on we will be incubating our own.
Food was provided by Bay Leaf Kitchen to help raise funds for their summer camps here at Eatwell Farm. Lorraine also donated softers for them to sell. Next time they promise to bring much more food as many people including me missed out as it sold so fast. Thank you all for such a great day.
