From Greens Cookbook1 bunch Turnips, save the greens you are using them in the soup Salt for the Turnip water 5 TB Butter, in all 1 Onion on the larger size, cut in half then thinly sliced 1 to 2 tsp Salt 4 Sprigs of Thyme Salt 4 cups Milk White or Black Pepper Peel the turnips and slice them into rounds about 1/4 inch thick. Bring 3 qts of water to a boil; then add 2 tsp salt and the turnips. Cover the pot and cook for 1 minute; then drain, saving 1/2 cup of the water for soup. Melt 3 TB of the butter in a soup pot with 1/2 cup turnip water. Add the onion, the turnips, and thyme. Stew them, covered, over medium low heat for 5 minutes, then add the milk. Slowly heat it without bringing to a boil and cook, stirring occasionally, until the turnips are completely tender. Sort through the turnip greens picking out any that are not green, and wash them. Sauté the turnip greens in the remaining 2 TB butter. Cook over medium heat until they are tender about 5 to 10 minutes. You can allow them cool, then chop and add to the soup, but we pureed them right in with the rest of the ingredients. Season with salt and pepper to taste.