What’s in the box this week?
(Listed from shortest shelf life to longest shelf life. If you have any particularly good storage tips please let me know so that I can share with everyone.) Satsuma Mandarins: These are at the top of this weeks list because of damage from last weekends rain. Bill is concerned about them and asks everyone to enjoy them soon. Not certified organic as Bill detests all the organic paperwork but still farms just like we do. Romaine or Red Leaf Lettuce: Store in the crisper in a plastic bag. Spinach: I am so excited to have spinach back. The beds we had for harvest in December and January were damaged by the big freeze. If you have not had our spinach before please leave it in the bag and only take out what you need. Wash it and I know it takes longer than other spinach to clean but once you taste it you will be a convert. Store in the crisper. Red Russian Kale: The red color in the leaves comes from the cold weather and makes the leaves sweeter. A fellow farmer who visited a few weeks ago said our kale was very tender compared to theirs. Store in the crisper Arugula: A great addition to salads and makes a great pesto too. The leaves have had a few ‘visitors’ in the past hence some tiny holes. Store in the crisper Daikon: If you plan on keeping this a few days please remove the tops or the roots will be floppy. Great in soups, shredded in salads or as vegetable pieces to dip in humus etc. Store in the crisper Bok Choy: We seed this crop direct fly into beds with twelve rows, five inches apart. Great for stir fry’s, we also add them to soups. Store in the crisper. Beets: The leaves of these beets took hammering in the December freeze. Even now they are not pretty. The beet greens are good for soups or with omelets or scrambled eggs. Store in the crisper. Broccoli: Many of you have requested broccoli in the box every week. I have been trying hard to do this. For those who find a few bugs a little soak in soapy or salty water followed by a good rinse. This will detach our friends. Organic broccoli in the store does not have bugs because it is sprayed frequently with organically allowed sprays but even these kill the good bugs too. We do not spray the crop as we feel a balance is better and safer for the environment. Store in the crisper. Red Cabbage: Great in salads or lightly steamed. Store in the crisper. Butternut Squash: Always a reliable crop here on the farm. Next year we will have a nice cosy warm dome for the butternuts to live in. They like 50F and will keep well into May. Our big project going forward is the farm buildings, we need secure storage for all our stuff. We will have to do it in stage which is why the domes work so well for us. Lorraine is planning kids cooking camps for this summer. I will take them out into the field and we will harvest what is great after lots of tasting and discussion. Back in the Kitchen Lorraine will prepare meals with them. The first one will be over a weekend. She has been planning this for many years. Watch this space for more details Thank you for your support on out Journey to a more sustainable food production farm…. Nigel