Eatwell Farm

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What’s in the box this week?

(Listed from shortest shelf life to longest shelf life) IMG_1797.JPG Lettuce: We pick the lettuce and bag it in the field. It may be dirty but it keeps so much better like this. Just take what you need out of the bag, wash it and enjoy. Members tell me the lettuce keeps up to ten days this way. Store in your crisper. Dino Kale:  Also know as Cavelo Nero or Italian Black Cabbage. It was Sown in August this delicious and succulent crops is ready to harvest now. Store in your crisper. Summer Squash or Beets: We have four types of squash planted so you may get the light green Mexican, dark green regular squash, yellow squash or the round ones. Store in the fridge. Arugula: This is delicious, a few holes are the price we pay for not even spraying with organic chemicals. Lorraine made a Blue Cheese dressing today which I am looking forward to using on arugula salad. Store in the fridge. Green Tomatoes:  A tradition at this time of the year when the crop does not ripen fast. Fried green tomatoes are a treat. You can always keep them for a couple of weeks over which time they will ripen. Keep on the counter unless they are cut or split in which case refrigerate them. Eggplant: Some of you have yet to fall in love with this wonderful vegetable. I do read your comments and emails! This will be the last pick from this years crop. Give it one last chance. Try Lorraine’s simple recipe to my left. Store in the refrigerator. Florence Fennel: While I was in England with my family I got to watch some telly. River Cottage is a popular food program. Hugh, the presenter, made a delicious fennel salad. Unfortunately there is not a link to this recipe on his website but Lorraine has included one of his other fennel and arugula recipes today. Enjoy. Rosemary: A wonderful and versatile fresh herb. Store in the crisper. Pomegranates: Great additions to salads, our lunchtime salad today included them with roasted beets and apples. These are from our good friends at Twin Girls farm. They are organically grown as is everything at Eatwell Farm. Delicious. White Onions: Onions are difficult crop to grow organically as they do not shade out weeds at any time in their life. This year Ramon and Miguel did an amazing job keeping the crop clean with their finger weeder. Acorn Squash: A true winter squash, nothing fancy in this one. We grow it to put in the share boxes one time because it has a following for the great flavor. It is not sweet but we all have to get over equating sweet with good. There are other flavors too. Sweet Potatoes: Firstly please do not store these in the fridge, they love the warmth of your siting room. They will keep all winter long, unwashed at 70F. I once kept 600 lbs in a spare bedroom with underfloor heating. (It is difficult being married to a farmer.) Once you wash them they will live only two more weeks so bake them and enjoy. Enjoy the bounty… Nigel