Eatwell Farm

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What’s in the box this week?

(Listed from shortest shelf life to longest shelf life) IMG_5153.JPG Strawberries: We dare to pick these ripe so they taste amazing. Those red strawberries in the store that are white and crunchy are picked way under ripe. If your berries arrive in a mess let me know and I will replace them. Eat them right away, do not store them. Tokyo Cross Salad Turnips: Delicious raw, roasted or added to soups and salads. The green have the highest vitamin C of all the greens. Store in your crisper Arugula: I am so happy to have arugula back. I love this green. I first grew it back in the late 80’s for the River cafe in London when it was just a strange vegetable requested by this Italian Restaurant. Store in the crisper. Summer Squash: We have four types of squash planted so you may get the light green Mexican, dark green regular squash, yellow squash or the round ones. Store in the fridge. Red Slicer Tomatoes:  These are excellent for sauce, cooking in general, as they are far less juicy and much more meaty than heirlooms.  Let me know if they are damaged and I will replace them. Keep on the counter unless they are cut or split in which case refrigerate them. Heirloom Cherry Tomatoes: The seeds for these wonderful summer fruits have been grown from seed we have selected and saved over the last twenty years. We will try and give you a range of ripeness so they last longer. Do not refrigerate. Melon: These melons are modern hybrids, not GMO. I have spent many years trying to find the perfect heirloom melon variety and have pretty much given up. My favorite variety is Ambrosia but that is owned by Monsanto so I will not grow that. Enjoy. Mixed Sweet Baby Peppers: A mix of a few new varieties that we tried this year. There are red, yellow orange and greens. I really like these, please let me know what you think as we are already planning our summer crops next year. Store in the crisper. Tomatillos: I grew this many years ago as a challenge to members who would not normally have bought them in the store. It turns out they were a great success and have been a staple ever since. They are late this year. Store in the crisper. Eggplant: Aubergine to those from Europe. This  is not bitter like the store bought one’s. I never liked them unless they were soaked and salted. These taste great, Lorraine dipped the slices in batter last week. Store in the crisper. Red Onions: Our crop this year was nothing short of spectacular thanks in a large part to Jose keeping them alive in very windy conditions after planting and Ramon constantly weeding them with our finger weeder. We are keeping the yellow onions for later in the fall as they store best.