Eatwell Farm

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Cooking Weekend for Kids

IMG_2733.JPG It has been a dream of mine to offer a weekend cooking class/camp for our younger members (9 to 12 year olds).  I am hoping to organize at least one of these this year to give it a try, see how it goes and maybe ramp up for next year, or possibly offer a few weekends during the school year. It would go something like this:  drop off late Saturday morning and come back to the farm Sunday evening to enjoy a meal with your child/children, prepared and served by them.  The weekend would start with a quick lunch and chance to meet everyone.  In the afternoon they would walk out to the fields with Nigel to learn about what is growing and see what we will be using the next day for the dinner.  Visit the animals, enjoy a simple supper and make it an early night.  In the morning have breakfast then go out into the field to harvest what we need for the big dinner, come back in and get started.  Dinner will be family style and early.  I am planning on parents arriving back on the farm around 4 and eating before 5. I would love to do a trial run, so if any of you are interested in having your kids participate please get in touch,  Again I am looking at an age group of 9 to 12 year olds and maybe 6 to 8 kids.  If there are a lot of older kids who  are interested in doing something like this I am open to trying it on a different weekend. Cost $50.00 per child  Thanks, Lorraine