A great way to take advantage of our vegetables when you can’t get through everything in the box is by preserving. The other night we had pork chops that I slow cooked on the stove top with our carrots and some onion.  When the chops were ready I took  them out, then added in some of the Sauer Kraut our good friend and Eatwell member, Jan Weidner made from Eatwell cabbage.  You don’t need to cook homemade Sauer Kraut but just warm it a bit, it took no time and was the perfect addition to our meal.  And as week can not go by without me searching for a recipe from one of my Ottolenghi books (I promise I will overcome this obsession) I came across this recipe using both turnips and beets.  Now I have not actually made this one yet, but am hoping to get to it this week. I am sure it will not fail! Pickled Turnips and Beets 10 small or 5 large Turnips 2 1/2 lbs.                3 small beets 8 1/2 oz 1 green or red chile cut into 3/8 inch slices I don’t have chiles so I am using Eatwell Smoked Chili salt instead 3 Celery stalks cut into 3/4 inch slices - I am using Carrots instead 1 2/4 cup distilled White Vinegar                    3 cups warm Water Fine Sea Salt

Peel the turnips and beets, halve them if they are not small and cut them into slices 1/4 inch slices.  Place in large mixing bowl and sprinkle with 1 tsp salt.  Stir well,cover, and set aside to marinate overnight at room temperature.

The following day, transfer the vegetable and their juices to a sterilized 1 1/2 to 2 qt jar.  Add the chile and celery followed by 3 TB salt, the vinegar and the water.  If needed add more water and vinegar to fill the jar to within 3/4 inch of the rim.  Seal the jar, shake it gently to dissolve the salt, and place in a well lit spot.  AFter 3 to 4 day the pickles should be ready.  They will keep somewhere cool and dark for up to 1 month.
