Eatwell Farm

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Today's Box (January 9)

Mandarins: These delicious little cuties are from our friend Bill Crepps at Everything Under the Sun in Winters. His fruit is sustainably grown, but not certified organic. These make a great afternoon snack or a great addition to a salad. Arugula: This popular Italian green packs a slight bite with nutty undertones. Try topping an arugula salad with dried fruit, walnuts, feta cheese, and balsamic vinaigrette for a mouth-watering treat. Store in a plastic bag in fridge, rinse, and dry before eating.

Navel Oranges: These juicy treats are from our friend Nacho at Twin Girls Farm and are QAI certified organic. We have been friends with this family for a long time and see them every Saturday at the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market. They sell some of their goods to Purity, which will explain if it has a market sticker on it. The oranges keep well in the fridge. Peel and enjoy!

Broccoli: We were amazed to see these beautiful bouquets of green in the field! Rich in fiber and vitamin C, this brassica always adds a flavor to soups, salads, and stir-fries. Store dry in fridge and wash before using.

Romanesco: This Italian heirloom tastes like a cross between cauliflower and broccoli. Try steaming it and adding lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper. It also pairs very well with pasta and can be roasted for an easy side dish. Store in the fridge.

Collard Greens: These luscious green leaves are a great source of beta carotene, vitamin C, and calcium.  They are typically cooked a little longer than other greens, but are well worth the wait. Store in fridge and wash well.

Bok Choy: This crunchy and tasty bok choy is amazing sautéed and adds a little something special to a soup or stir-fry. Store in plastic bag in fridge. Don’t forget to use the ribs!

Lemons: This versatile fruit adds a great touch to winter greens and salads. It will store longer in crisper of fridge, but if you are going to use it within a week it can be stored on the counter.

Leeks: These large alliums are rather mild in flavor and simply melt to perfection when sautéed. Use in soups, stir-fries, or in place of onions in other dishes for a delicious and more subtle flavor. Save the dark green tops for making vegetable stock! Store in fridge and wash well.

Watermelon Daikon Radishes: This large round root veggie has a crispy texture and a mildly sweet and peppery flavor. It can be cooked like a turnip: sautéed, braised, added to a stir-fry or stew. It can also be eaten raw as a lovely accompaniment to salad or sandwich. Store in fridge and wash before eating.

Green Cabbage: This vegetable is wonderful because it cooks quickly, is versatile, and tastes so good.  It makes a delicious coleslaw or a nice addition to a salad.  Store in fridge and wash well before use.

Butternut Squash: Sweet and easy to prepare, this winter squash is extremely versatile and easy to peel. Store in a cool (not cold), dark, dry place. Perfect when baked. It makes great soup and bread and goes well in sautées!