Today's Box (October 25th)
Arugula: This popular Italian green packs a slight bite with nutty undertones. Try topping an arugula salad with dried fruit, walnuts, feta cheese, and balsamic vinaigrette for a mouth-watering treat. Store in plastic bag in fridge, rinse, and dry before eating. Roma or Shady Lady Tomatoes: The Shady Lady tomatoes are great slicing varieties with a lot of vine-ripe flavor, and the Romas are a tasty paste tomato that is great for sauce! Always store tomatoes on the counter “belly button” down. Wash before eating and enjoy!
Mixed Lettuce: These fresh greens are from a beautiful bed of young lettuce. Enjoy them in salads and on sandwiches! Store in plastic bag in fridge and wash well before consuming.
Radicchio: First of the season! Also known as Italian chicory, this beautiful bitter green has a slightly bitter taste, which mellows when grilled or roasted. Store in fridge and wash before eating.
French Breakfast Radishes or Turnips: These lovely little radish bunches have a spicy crunch that mellows into succulent sweetness when cooked. Slice thinly and add into a fresh green salad or layer on buttered bread for a great snack. The turnips can also be eaten raw or steamed and have a delicious buttery crunch. Separate the greens and roots before storing in a plastic bag in fridge to maintain freshness. Wash well before use.
Tatsoi: We hope you enjoy this mustard green with its creamy texture and subtle flavor. It is similar to bok choy and can be slightly sautéed or used in soups. Store in plastic bag in the fridge and wash well before consuming.
Hot Peppers: Warning – these chiles are hot! They will add a kick to curries, soups, and salsas. Wear gloves when slicing to avoid getting hot capsicum oil on your hands and remove seeds and membranes for less heat. Store in crisper and wash before eating. If you can’t use them all this week, we suggest drying them. Visit this website for tips on drying them!
Broccoli: We were amazed to see these beautiful bouquets of green in the field! Rich in fiber and vitamin C, this brassica always adds a flavor to soups, salads, and stir-fries. It’s also great roasted with olive oil, salt and pepper. Store dry in fridge and wash before using.
Fennel: With a texture like celery and a delicate taste of anise, it can be eaten raw, sautéed, grilled, braised or roasted. Store in a plastic bag in the fridge.
Collard Greens: These luscious green leaves are a great source of beta carotene, vitamin C, and calcium. They are typically cooked a little longer than other greens, but are well worth the wait. Look in our recipe archives for ideas. Store in fridge and wash well.
Fuji or Granny Smith Apples: The tasty apples are from our friends at Coco Ranch in Davis and are certified organic. They are great for snacking or baking. Store apples away from onions and garlic in the fridge! If you are going to eat them soon and don’t want to eat them cold, it’s fine to keep them on the counter.
Sugar Pumpkin: These gorgeous little pumpkins are the perfect size for your box and make a great pie or soup; they are not meant for carving! Store in a cool, dark place.