Eatwell Farm

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Our last few events of the year have been scheduled, and you won’t want to miss them! The Chili Cook is set for Saturday, September 29th September. If you love chili, this is for you. We all make our favorite chili dishes with produce and beans from the farm. At the end of the day, we all eat them around the campfire with appropriate beverages. This is an exciting and delicious event. You are encouraged to camp overnight, and there will be the usual Sunday breakfast with Blue Bottle coffee and a walk around the farm tasting as we go. On Sunday, October 14th, we are hosting our annual Pumpkin Party. You and your guests can stroll around the pumpkin patch and each choose from the amazing array of varieties that we are growing this year. Your choice may be a perfect Jack o’ Lantern or an ugly warted heirloom variety. This is a great chance to see the farm as the seasons change, and it is especially fun for kids.

Lastly, our Holiday Market is scheduled for Sunday, November 18th.  This is where we all get to share in gifts and food items from the farm and from our members. Last year there was maple syrup from a member’s farm in Connecticut, homemade cinnamon buns, mouth-watering bacon and much more. If you have something you would like to sell, please drop us a line with the details.