There is nothing like freshly-dug new potatoes. I think I can easily say that I look forward to them more than I look forward to tomatoes. This variety is our earliest, and we wait until there is at least one pound per plant to harvest. Potatoes are a tuber; they grow underground, and we dig them by hand. A machine would damage the skins of these delicate new potatoes. One of my most memorable phone calls was from a member who called me early one evening a couple of years ago in tears. She had just got her box and lightly steamed the first new potatoes. I managed to gather that she ate one and was immediately transported back to her grandfather’s garden. The memories of her grandfather in the garden with her came flooding back. These tasted exactly like his potatoes, and she had never had any that tasted as good as his until that day. I have to say that these kind of calls make all the hard work worth it, they truly make my day. It is one reason why we say that we produce more that just a great box of produce.
