On Sunday morning we had a film crew on the farm who is making a 13 episode series about food and the farmers market. They came to talk chickens. We discussed why we, unlike some pasture-raised producers, use organic food for the girls even though it costs twice as much as conventional feed. For me this is very simple: conventional feed contains antibiotics (unless you have it milled specially for you), and it is grown with pesticides, fertilizers and GMOs. These eggs are for my family, friends and the community of Eatwell Farm, and of course I am going to buy organic feed. We also noticed that the girls are not eating all their whole organic corn soaked overnight in Cowgirl Creamery whey. We surmise that the energy in the corn is not needed to keep them warm at night now since the nights are warmer. We will cut back the amount we give them and bring it back as the nights cool in September.