Eatwell Farm

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Gift Boxes Available

We have some truly wonderful members.  Sandra contacted me several weeks ago asking to donate to our Gift Box Fund, which she did – generously! And the Glenn Park host has offered up an every other week box. Thank you. For those of you who may not know about this program we started a couple of months ago this is what its all about:

Nigel and I are offering 10 four-box subscriptions, plus ½ dozen eggs, for people who are seriously ill and truly in need of superior nutrition. We will do this for as long as it is possible and will work on the honor system, but it will require a bit of effort from you as well.

The way it works is a four-box subscription with ½ dozen eggs would be added to your account, and you would pick it up at your drop site and deliver it to your friend or family member. If we have more than 10 people interested we will rotate through a list monthly and try to cover as many people as possible. This offer is made for friends and/or family of our CSA members for those who could sincerely benefit. To me, it seems a very small gift to give, but something Nigel and I can do. To minimize Ashlee’s work, please contact me directly at or give me a call (530) 554-3971. We currently have 9 people signed up, but have 12 boxes available, so give me a call or send me an email if you are interested.

Keeping our glasses full – Lorraine