So the weeks of relentless strawberries in your basket will begin again soon. I walked the field on Monday and saw some very big berries that will be ripe for next week. There are not many of them, just enough to tease. Only a few flowers survived the rains so all the energy of the plant went into these berries. Please take a look at the strawberry day flyer and see which one will work best for you. Please sign up as soon as possible after the designated time and day as these events fill up in hours. May 19th will be a supersize strawberry day, and we hope that you will be able to round up your neighbors, Doubting Thomases, etc. and bring them along and force them to eat a real strawberry ripe in the field.

There are things we can control, and then there is the weather so please check your email to get updates on the strawberry day you have signed up for. Rain can destroy the berries in the field. Each year we invariably have to cancel at least one of the planned days.
