Cancer, I have come to realize, is really the dirtiest word, and the one word no one ever wants to hear.  Once uttered, it changes your life forever.  For Nigel and I, oddly it seems to have changed our lives for the better.  Don’t get me wrong: Nigel’s cancer is the worst thing that has ever happened to either of us.  But at the same time, it has very solidly shown us how rich our lives are and highlighted our many blessings.  We have both said this many times, but it can’t be said enough, we are so grateful to all of you for your kind words, well wishes, food in the hospital, treats for the crew, offers of a place to stay, to park, to come and hang out for a quiet few moments with a cup of tea, or help around the farm.  It is during times like these we just have to stop and take stock of our life and we are doing just that. It was immediately obvious how important fresh, nutritious food was for Nigel.  We are really spoiled because we have access to such an abundance of the best food anywhere.  Most of the food we eat we either produce ourselves or trade for with other farmers when we are at the market, but even with that it has been shocking to me how much money we are spending on the extras to make sure Nigel has all that he needs to be strong and fight his battle.  It occurred to me that almost no one is as lucky as we are, and we want to do something to help a few people out with that.

Nigel and I would like to offer 10 four-box subscriptions, plus a half dozen eggs, for people who are seriously ill and truly in need of superior nutrition.  We will do this for as long as it is possible and will work on the honor system, but it will require a bit of effort from you as well.

The way it would work is one box (plus a half dozen eggs) would be added to your subscription and you would pick it up at your drop site and deliver to your friend or family member.  If we have more than 10 people interested, we will rotate through a list monthly and try to cover as many people as possible.  This offer is made for friends and/or family of our CSA members who could sincerely benefit from it.  To me, it seems a very small gift to give, but something Nigel and I can do.  To minimize Ashlee’s work, please contact me directly at or give me a call (530) 554-3971.

Keeping our glasses full. Lorraine
