Dear Eatwell Folks, Thank you all so much for your concern and helping hands through this rough time. We have set up a page for Nigel on a website appropriately named LotsaHelpingHands, in order to bring together in one place info on his status, needs, etc. The link is You can go to the page and request to join this community. If there is some particular way in which you would like to help out, please just note that for us.
At the moment there is very little on the website because we are just figuring out what is really needed. One thing that we are looking for is nearby parking for Lorraine as the UCSF Med Center (at 505 Parnassus) parking is very expensive. She will be also taking the train and MUNI, but at times she is transporting many items, necessitating the car. So far Nigel is being well-fed, never fear, but there will likely be needs in that department in the future.
As for visiting, he is feeling well and welcomes visitors. Of course, at times he may be receiving treatments or otherwise unable to have visitors. We'll try to note that on the website, although there's no way that we can make guarantees! One favor we must ask is that you postpone your visit if you are under the weather at all, even a cold, or have recently been in contact with someone ill. Nigel's immune system is compromised due to the treatments and, thus, he is very vulnerable to exposure to those bad viruses and bacteria. This is a good time to practice all the hand washing rituals we have been taught :)
Most importantly, just keep sending all that good healing energy Nigel's way! And to Lorraine too, who is really amazing...and Ashlee and the farm crew, who are doing an fantastic job...and Eric and Andrew...and... Thanks so much for everything!
Frances Andrews