Eatwell Farm

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Holiday Boxes Yes!

This holiday season we will only be taking a one-week break. There will be boxes delivered the week before Christmas, and all of the boxes will be suspended during the last week of December.  They will be back on track right for the first week of January.If you are going out of town, please consider donating to the food bank through our CSA. Thank you to the 55 people who did this over Thanksgiving. It helps those in need and ensures the farm doesn’t lose too much income. We provide the food banks with what they request, not necessarily what was in your box that week. You can easily donate from your online account or call/email Ashlee in the office, and she can take care of it for you. For example, some of the extra large cabbages are loved by the soup kitchens, and they are too big for your boxes. If you have any recommendations for places to donate the produce, let us know.