Eatwell Farm

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Today's Box (December 1st)

*Please note you will receive either Mandarin oranges or Granny Smith apples in your box today.

Dill: This wispy and fern-like herb has a soft and sweet taste that will lend a delicate flavor to many dishes. Always add towards the end of cooking as heat will destroy the delicate flavor. Store in fridge in plastic and wash only before using.

Arugula: This popular Italian green packs a slight bite with nutty undertones and pairs well with goat cheese, nuts, and a vinaigrette.  Store in plastic bag in fridge, rinse, and dry before eating.

Mixed Baby Lettuce: Enjoy these fresh greens for salads & sandwiches! Store in plastic bag in fridge and wash well before consuming.

Escarole: Fall is upon us, and it’s a good time to cleanse the system a little, especially after Thanksgiving.  This bitter green will do the trick.  Eat it raw with a sweet dressing to balance the bitter flavor or cook to mellow the flavor.  It’s a tasty addition to soups, too! Store in plastic bag in fridge and wash before eating.

Crocodile Spinach: This tasty and nutritious green may be a bit dirty. To clean, first rinse quickly, then fill up a bowl with cold water. Put in water, swish, & let soak for 5-10 min. Lift leaves out of water, rinse & blot/spin dry. Store in plastic bag in fridge.

Bok Choy: This crunchy and tasty bok choy is amazing sauteed and adds a little something special to a soup or stir-fry. Store in plastic bag in fridge. Don’t forget to use the ribs!

Florence Fennel: Enjoy this taste-of-fall veggie! With a texture like celery and a delicate taste of anise, they can be eaten raw, sauteed, grilled, braised or roasted. Store in a plastic bag in the fridge.

*Mandarin Oranges: These delicious little cuties are from our friend Nacho at Twin Girls Farm near Fresno and are certified organic. Boy, do they have delicious citrus! Wash and peel.

Hachiya Persimmons: These new additions to the box are also from Nigel’s friend at Twin Girls Farm. You’ll notice they’re heart-shaped and larger than the Fuyu variety. Eating an unripe Hachiya is often described as unpleasant, so it’s important not to eat them until they’re ripe. Before you eat one, be sure it feels like a water balloon! They can be eaten raw by slicing them open and scooping out the insides, or you can use them in dessert dishes.

*Granny Smith Apples: The tasty apples are from our friends at Coco Ranch in Davis and are certified organic.  These Granny Smiths are at their peak of season and are great for snacking or baking.  Store in fridge or on counter and wash before eating and enjoy!

Collard Greens: These luscious green leaves are a great source of beta carotene, vitamin C and calcium.  They are typically cooked a little longer than other greens, but are well worth the wait. Look in our recipe archives for ideas.  Store in fridge and wash well.

Leeks: These large alliums are rather mild in flavor and simply melt to perfection when sautéed. Use in soups, stir-fry, or in place of onions in other dishes for a delicious and more subtle flavor. Store in fridge and wash very well before using.