Busy is just something we do all year round here on the farm. We pick and pack your boxes 50 weeks of the year so there is really no down time other than the two weeks we take over the holidays. Even then the chickens need daily work and attention and there can be times when the weather is so perfect we have to plant or complete another task. That is ok because we love what we do, we know how lucky we are. Last week, we had a 24-ton chicken feed delivery that came after dark. Ken, the truck owner managed to fit in our delivery before he headed out the next day to an organic dairy in Nevada. The auger on the truck unloaded  the four kinds of feed into separate bins. The one on the left now has six tons of whole organic corn. The middle silo is full of organic wheat and the far right has three tons of chick feed. IMG_0479.JPG

We have not added fertilizer to our citrus this year because Blue Bottle has given us all of their grounds from their Oakland roastery. Coffee grounds create acid conditions which the citrus love plus they contain lots of nitrogen fertilizer. Our thanks to owners James and Caitlin for this.


Then there is Joe who with his wife Aimee, our first CSA manager, wrote our database. Fifteen years later Joe spent many hours of several weekends making sure all your info transferred successfully to our new online database.

Let’s not forget everyone who works here on the farm. As many of you have experienced for your selves, it can get hot here but also cold and rainy. It takes people with lots of intestinal fortitude to keep going, making sure the produce is planted, tended to and finally picked and packed for you box. Making sure all your produce and eggs get to you on the right week is Liz and Ashlee’s job. At this time we say a sad farewell to Liz as she moves over to Santa Rosa to join her partner Robert.  So my point here is that you and all of these people who are directly involved in the farm are part of our community. Now that is something to be truly thankful for.... Nigel
