Organic Inspection
Each year we are inspected by California Certified Organic Farmers CCOF. The inspector makes an appointment and walks the farm with me. The most important part of the inspection is paperwork. Making sure that we have used only organically approved materials etc. There is a lot of detail to keep and show. For example, this time he took a careful look at our soil analysis results. They showed our fertility level was quite high, not normal for organic farms. I had to explain about the chickens and how they did wonders for our soil. On a walk he saw the spinach in the picture below, is very green and vibrant. This with no brought in organic fertilizers, again chicken power! Unfortunately there are farmers, as in all walks of life, who cheat so the rest of us have to go out of our way to prove that we are doing the right thing. We seemed to pass with only a few pieces of paperwork to be submitted later. We will get our new certificate for another year in about 3 months.